Friday, January 28, 2011

Natural Non-Surgical Facelift

On Tuesday, February 1st and again on Tuesday February 15th at 6:30 pm you are invited to a Free in-office seminar to hear exciting information about one of the safest, most natural and longest lasting treatments for wrinkle reduction and volume gain.

Dr. Claudia Chica will share techniques and products available to keep you healthy, vibrant and beautiful. Patients have seen visible improvement with long lasting effects because the root cause of skin aging is addressed by triggering the production of new cells and collagen.

Unlike fillers that use various synthetic substances, there is a procedure available that uses natural biology to address skin defects and volume loss. I've attached a video of a clip from The Rachel Ray Show that gives a brief overview of the procedure.

Dr. Chica will be treating a patient during the seminar. You will be able to see the results and have an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure.

The office is located at 1850 Lee Road, Suite 240 in the Lee World Center. Please RSVP by calling the office 407.644.2729 or by emailing through our website

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dr Joya on Fatigue, Pt. 1

The term adrenal fatigue was introduced in 1998 but it has long been experienced by many people. Chronic stress such as poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and over exertion, our adrenal glands tend to produce excessive quantities of hormones as a response to the stress. And, when this happens, our adrenal glands will eventually wear out from exhaustion, which will in turn produce low quantities of hormones in our body.
We will eventually feel more tired or exhausted than what we normally feel on a day to day basis. This can often result in craving for sugary snacks or caffeine in order for our body to get the energy levels up. This exhaustion causes even more stress and we find that we are not able to function normally or think clearly.
Helping patients regain energy and strength for healing is one of Dr. Schoen's gifts. She is willing to spend the time necessary with her patients and to study their individual case to reach the recommendations she feels will improve their level of health.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Change is Inevitable – Improvement is Optional

As I was chatting with a patient about good nutrition and weight loss this week she mentioned that she has lost hundreds pounds in her life but she always gains them back. This is an experience that many of us have had as we attempt to improve ourselves and keep our body at a healthy weight.

Health experts as well as our moms have shared the advice needed to give us a healthy life. The following is just a short list of the ideas I have heard and read lately.

  • Mini goals are easier to achieve and will help me reach my ultimate goal. By congratulating myself as I make even the smallest changes allows me to feel accomplished and gives me the energy needed to continue. So I look at the big picture, having the ultimate goal in mind, but breaking it down to achievable actions.

  • Journal and Track. Connecting food to energy and mood. There is a corresponding positive result when I keep track of what I'm eating and how it makes me feel. Some nutritional counselors claim that a person who keeps track of what they eat and how it makes them feel can lose twice as much weight as a person who doesn't take the time to jot it down. For that result I'm certainly willing to write it down and I even found some neat iphone Apps to help me do this.

  • Pay attention to my food while eating. This seems like a "no brainer" but this is one thing that gets many people into trouble. Eating while on the computer or while watching television contributes to me losing track of what and how much I am actually consuming.

  • Flavor my foods with spices and herbs. Monitoring my calorie intake doesn't need to mean boring foods. I experiment with the flavors I enjoy while leaving out the "bad for me" calories. Recipes for low calorie dips and salad dressing can add a lot of flavor to meals.

  • Lift it and Move it. The more muscle mass I have the more calories I will burn even while sleeping. Strength training even just a couple times a week can make a big difference in my metabolism's ability to burn calories. When I add some type of aerobic fun to my week I can certainly burn some calories and help my heart.

  • Set time to rest and relax. Stress hormones have been tied to weight gain. Planning times to do things for myself like reading, gardening or taking a stroll to clear my head can help me keep my stress hormones at a proper level.

  • Sleep. Getting enough sleep is vitally important to keeping my appetite controlling hormones in check. An imbalance in these hormones affects me in such a way that when I don't get enough sleep I am less likely to do any of the above suggestions.

  • One day at time while I hang in there for the long haul. Being aware that changing my habits can take time and that getting results may be a delayed gratification I congratulate myself at the end of each day when I've had positive changes and I look forward to tomorrow if I need to improve on my today.