Friday, November 12, 2010

The Little Blue Tube

Every year we have patients call the office asking for the little blue tube of Influenzinum. We have not formally documented the effects of this remedy but the patients who have used Influenzinum over the years report they have avoided symptoms of the flu for as many years as they have been using the remedy.

So every year we order a supply of the Influenzinum, print up the protocol Dr. Schoen recommends and we sell it to our patients and anyone else who might be interested in avoiding flu symptoms in such a simple way without taking a flu vaccine.

Along with using Influenzinum we stress a healthy life style. When patients eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get exposure to sunlight, sleep an adequate amount and proactively manage stresses in their lives, they are less likely to fall ill.

The idea that a person can overwork, be overstressed, sleep 5 or less hours each night, live on coffee and donuts, and then at the first sign of the flu, take a dose of Influenzinum and expect a miracle is unrealistic. A Homeopathic remedy elicits a response from the vital force, but the vital force can only draw on the resources available to it.

Dr. Schoen specializes in guiding a patient to vibrant health. She offers healing modalities that build a patient's vitality and supports their immune system:
  • Nutritional Counseling.
  • Individualized Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation.
  • IV protocols to help prevent as well as treat flu symptoms.
  • Homeopathic injection: A combination of Echinaccea Compositum to modulate the immune system and Lymphomyosot to keep the detoxifying pathways open.
We hope you will take advantage of these health promoting approaches to flu prevention. Call the office if we can provide you with more information or set an appointment for treatment.

It's As Easy As

Simple Prevention
  • Wash your hands often. Remember that one of the most common ways people catch colds and the flu is by rubbing their nose or their eyes after their hands have been contaminated with a virus. By washing your hands often, especially:
    • before, during, and after you prepare food
    • before you eat, and after you use the bathroom
    • after handling animals or animal waste
    • when your hands are dirty, and
    • more frequently when someone in your home is sick, you may avoid getting sick yourself and keep your kids from getting sick too.
  • Routinely clean, with soap and water, and disinfect surfaces, toys, and objects that younger children may put in their mouths. It may also help to wipe surfaces with paper towels that can be thrown away or cloth towels that can be washed afterwards.
  • Use disposable tissues to wipe or blow yours or your child's nose.
  • Teach your children 'cough etiquette', which the American Academy of Pediatrics describes as teaching children to turn their heads and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue or the inside of their elbow if they don't have a tissue, instead of simply coughing or sneezing onto their hands, which will then spread their germs onto everything they touch.
  • Avoid close contact with people when you are sick. It isn't really possible to completely avoid people who are sick, so it is likely better if you just avoid exposing other people to your germs when you or your kids are sick. So don't go to school, daycare, work, etc., if you are sick with the flu.
  • Avoid unnecessary contact with a lot of people for younger children, the elderly or those with challenged immune systems. It isn't easy to always tell when people are sick and some people are contagious even before they start to have symptoms.
  • Take a reusable water bottle to school or work, like a Sigg or CamelBak, instead of using a water fountain, which may become contaminated with germs, especially during cold and flu season.

Take Control

Seminar to be presented by Claudia Chica, P.T., DOM in the office of Joya L. Schoen, M.D.

Tuesday, November 16 at 6:30pm.

1850 Lee Road, Suite 240
Winter Park, FL 32789

A frequent concern for many people is Urinary Incontinence. When the bladder fills with urine, sensory nerves send impulses to the brain indicating that the bladder is full. The sensory nerves connect with other nerves in the spinal cord to relay this information. In turn, the brain sends impulses back to the bladder instructing the bladder to empty its contents.

Urinary incontinence is loss of bladder control. Symptoms range from mild leaking to uncontrollable wetting. Most bladder control problems happen when muscles are too weak or too reactive. If the muscles that keep your bladder closed are weak, you may have accidents when you sneeze, laugh or lift a heavy object. This is called Stress Incontinence. If bladder muscles become too active, you may feel a strong urge to go to the bathroom when you have little urine in your bladder. This is called Urge Incontinence or overactive bladder. There are other causes of incontinence, such as prostate problems, tumors, prolapsed organs and nerve damage.

Dr. Chica will discuss several therapeutic approaches she uses to promote increased control of the pelvic floor muscles and proper function of the genito-urinary and reproductive systems. All organs relate to the higher processes of communication from the brain. Acupuncture, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, will help re-establish this connection and allow the Autonomic Nervous System to come to a more balanced position.

Many of the restrictions and dysfunctions found on the pelvic floor, are caused by external trauma, surgeries, scars, infections and toxicity; but a great percentage (70% or higher) can be caused by emotional trauma.

Emotions go into the organs via the Autonomic Nervous System ganglia. Painful memories and disturbed emotions remain stored in the tissue/organs. The body protects the affected organ(s) and hugs the lesion. Cellular memory keeps the emotional trauma information trapped in the tissues in the form of adhesion and energy cysts, causing disruption of function to the whole system.

Benefits of using "Regulatory and Manuel Therapies" to address Pelvic Floor Weakness and/or Dysfunction are:
  • Improved or recovered control of bowel and bladder.
  • Heightened sexual response in women and increased sexual control in men.
  • Increased strength, tone and elasticity of pelvic structures to support the abdominal and pelvic contents against the effects of gravity.
  • Improvement of core strength for a strong and healthy lower back.
  • Increased sense of well-being and peace.
By receiving proper care it is possible for patients to avoid surgery and to insure continued vitality.